8 Signs You Need Heating Repair

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woman wearing jacket, scarf and hat inside because furnace is broken

When the winter weather arrives, you need a good, working heater as the cornerstone of your home’s comfort.

But just like with any mechanical system, even a well-maintained heater in Severna Park or Brooklyn Park can experience ongoing wear and tear. Recognizing the early warning signs of an issue is a proactive way to stay ahead of an unexpected breakdown or emergency repairs. Below, our Severna Park HVAC experts share some signs it’s time to call in a professional for heating repair.

Of course, if you have any questions or need any kind of Brooklyn Park or Severna Park heating repair or service, the Abend team is just a phone call away!

Call (410) 618-3115

1. Inconsistent or Insufficient Heating

When specific areas of your home are too hot or cold, your heating system probably isn’t distributing the air it’s producing evenly. Or, your system may have difficulty reaching the temperature settings you’ve set on your thermostat. The issue could be as simple as changing out your clogged air filter or swapping out your thermostat batteries. Otherwise, you need our heating experts to come look at your blower motor and ductwork to figure out what’s going on and get your heat back on track.

2. Unusual Noises Are Coming from Your System

Most heating systems will generate some kind of noise during operation, but loud banging, rattling, or whistling sounds are not normal and signs of serious issues. You may need to address loose components, airflow obstructions, or internal damage. The sooner you figure out what’s going on, the more likely you can prevent a small issue from turning into a major repair.

3. Rising Energy Bills Without Explanation

Energy bills will naturally rise during a cold snap but shouldn’t be spiking for no reason. Unexpectedly rising bills are a sign your heating system is working overtime. Dirty components, worn-out parts, or system inefficiencies force your unit to work overtime and consume more energy to produce the same level of heat.

4. Frequent On-and-Off Cycling

Is your heater turning off and on frequently without any rhyme, reason, or consistent temperatures? You’re experiencing a short cycling issue that could stem from thermostat malfunctions, clogged filters, or more serious system damage. Even if the issue isn’t an emergency, short cycling increases the ongoing wear and tear on your unit and reduces its overall lifespan.

5. Unusual or Foul Smells

When you first turn on your heat for the season, you might smell the dust burning off the system. That smell should go away pretty quickly and not come back until next year. Otherwise, you could have an electrical issue or significant dust buildup in the system. 

You also shouldn’t ignore those persistent musty, moldy, or foul odors that could signal you have moisture problems or mold growth in your ductwork. If you have a gas furnace, rotten egg or sulfur smells are warning signs of a dangerous problem. Leave your home immediately and call a professional to check for a gas leak.

6. Poor Airflow or Weak Blower Performance

Your heater should blanket your home in a steady stream of warm air pouring from your vents. Issues with your blower motor, clogged air filters, or obstructions in your ductwork can cause weakened airflow or poor performance. If changing your filter doesn’t work, call the heating experts at Abned Services right away to figure out what’s going on and maximize the efficiency of your heater.

7. Yellow Pilot Light or Frequent Burner Issues

If you have a gas furnace, the pilot light flame should look steady and blue. If it’s flickering or turning yellow, it’s an indication there’s a fuel or carbon monoxide problem. Both problems can pose serious dangers and need immediate assistance from a heating expert. But if the pilot light looks okay but won’t stay lit, you probably need a repair or thorough cleaning. Give us a call, and we’ll safely restore the functionality of your furnace and pilot light.

8. Your System Is Over 10 Years Old

Is your heater over ten years old? Although good heating maintenance can extend the lifespan of your system, most heaters will last around ten years. After a decade, they start losing their efficiency and need frequent repairs. Ask the team at Abend Services if it’s time to consider a new heating system, which also offers benefits of higher energy efficiency that can lower your energy bills in the long run. 

Call Abend Services for Fast Heating Repairs

Heating problems don’t have to spiral into emergency repairs. Stay on top of the red flags before they get out of hand.

Give the team at Abend Services a call for simple to complicated heating repairs, maintenance calls, new installations, upgrades, and more. Our Severna Park and Brooklyn Park HVAC experts will get your home safe, warm, and comfortable again!

Call (410) 618-3115

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